Friday, January 01, 2010

Flug gebucht!

Heute haben wir tatsaechlich unseren Flug gebucht!! :) Warum sind die Fluege nur so teuer?!? Das ist total unfair, finde ich. Aber naja... jetzt muessen wir uns nur noch aussuchen, wann wir wen besuchen... wer moechte uns sehen?!?

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Long Time No Update

Ulli has been dancing up a storm lately. She danced last weekend and she danced again last night. She will be dancing next weekend as well. She wears a new/different costume to each performance and she always looks great!
Squeak is as lazy as ever. She has been practicing her stretches, bunny-feet, and playing dead. She's quite good at her super-kitty pose as well.
We have two relatively new additions to our family: Blue and Pink. They are both Betta fish. Since Blue does not like to share tank/jar space with anybody, Pink has her own jar. I tried adding some ghost shrimp to their jars to help keep the water cleaner, but the ghost shrimp all jumped out of the jars onto the desk or onto the floor. They thought they had a better chance of survival outside of the jars. I didn't find one of the ghost shrimp until it was all dried up. So, we now have another jar with three ghost shrimp in it. Eventually, we hope to introduce the ghost shrimp into our ten gallon tank with all of the guppies and cory catfish.
Last month we lost our beloved Jackie. She was diagnosed with a brain tumor a few months earlier. She was on steroids to keep the swelling down. She was still running around and dragging her papers all over the place, but then she got a respiratory infection. She fought hard, but after five days of fighting, with no recovery, we had to take her in to have her put to sleep. She is buried with her many sisters, brother, and cousins in my parents' field. My dad, Ulli, and I attended her funeral. She is greatly missed! The rat room is so empty now.
It has been snowing quite hard today, but I'm still off to play basketball at the Sorenson Center with some friends and students. I have to pick up a bunch of the students, so I have to leave soon. Ulli will have to update more soon!

Sunday, March 08, 2009


Check out Ulli's true colors! After the Belly Dancing Festival, Ulli let her grooviness shine through!
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Sunday, January 18, 2009

Mara ist hier!

Mara ist zur Welt gekommen. Nicki hatte ihr Kind am 17. Januar um 0.54 Uhr. Bei der Geburt war Mara 2820 g und 48 cm. Mutter und Kind sind gesund, aber muede. :) Karin hat mich um 4 Uhr morgens angerufen, um mir die Neuigkeiten zu erzaehlen - sie war so aufgeregt! Suess, oder?!
Sobald Nicki uns ein paar Bilder schickt, werde ich Mara auf unserem Blog veroeffentlichen. Tante Karin, Tante Ulli und Tante Natalie sind maechtig stolz auf euch!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Who brings the snow?

They flew in and yes, they brought the snow with them, again. Just like last year. This year they were only an hour late flying in. We only made three loops around the airport.
We then drove up to Grandma S. and stayed the night. It was very warm and cozy... Well, Grandma S. seemed to enjoy having us there. We talked and talked and talked. Then we drove over to Grandma Y.'s house and met with the cousins, Mitzie and Dennis. We ate ribs and played games. It was fun!
After dropping of Grandma S. at her house again, we drove back to SLC. Kevin then noticed that he didn't have his phone. Luckily, Mitzie found it at Grandma Y.'s house and Michael and Anna-Lynne will meet us tomorrow so that Kevin will have his phone soon.
Tomorrow, we'll go to Martha and Shaun's house for a yule party. Natalie is wrapping up some wonderful presents to take because there will be a gift exchange. After that we'll make our way down to Happy Valley to hang out with Kevin, Becky, Dennis, and Janet over Christmas. So, happy holidays to all of you! :)

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Schneefloeckchen, Weissroeckchen...

... ist bei uns angekommen! Am Samstag hat es angefangen zu schneien und alles ist weiss! Ich habe schon zweimal Schnee geschippt, denn Natalie ist erkaeltet und jedes Mal, wenn sie raus geht, faengt sie an zu husten. Naja, ist aber schoen draussen... deshalb mache ich das gerne. :) Hier sind ein paar Bilder...

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Meine alte Schule...

Ich weiss nicht so recht, was ich schreiben soll, deshalb hier ein Bild vom letzten Sommer. Mit meiner alten Schule sind wir zu einem Freizeitpark in der Naehe gefahren. Dort haben die Lehrerinnen und Lehrer ein Bild machen lassen. Die Maenner sind auf einem anderen Bild. Koennt ihr mich finden? :)

Opa aus Buende

Letzte Woche Dienstag hat Gabi uns eine Email geschrieben, dass Opa aus Buende gestorben ist. Leider haben Oma und Opa sich nicht mehr sehen koennen, dann erst einen Tag spaeter wurde Oma ins gleiche Altersheim verlegt. Nach Gabis Aussagen, war es aber wohl eine Erloesung fuer Opa. Wir hoffen, dass es Oma den Umstaenden entsprechend gut geht und sie sich in der neuen Umgebung wohl fuehlt. Naechste Woche wird die Trauerfeier fuer Opa stattfinden. Es wird eine Urnenbestattung laut Gabi. Leider koennen wir nicht da sein, aber wir werden an euch alle denken. Falls jemand das liest, der Oma besuchen geht, gruesst sie schoen von uns!